Rolf Hedman Mentor


Telefon: +46 (0)702 46 02 56


Besöksadress Lund Sandgatan 4 A
Besöksadress Stockholm Rådmansgatan 67
Koggevägen 4 C
239 33  Skanör

Certainly! Here are some inspirational quotes from John Whitmore:

1. ”To be aware is to be in the present moment, with full presence and compassion.”
2. ”Change is not only possible, it’s necessary for us to grow and evolve as individuals.”
3. ”Self-awareness is the key to personal development and success.”
4. ”The way we think influences our actions and results. Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.”
5. ”Success is not just about reaching goals, but also about enjoying the journey.”

Let me know if you need more information or if there’s anything else I can assist you with!

— John Whitmore, ChatOn