Rolf Hedman Mentor


Telefon: +46 (0)702 46 02 56


Besöksadress Lund Sandgatan 4 A
Besöksadress Stockholm Rådmansgatan 67
Koggevägen 4 C
239 33  Skanör

1. ”Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.”
2. ”Success is not measured by the position one has reached in life, but by the obstacles one has overcome while trying to succeed.”
3. ”Intelligence is not just about how much knowledge you have, but how effectively you can use that knowledge to solve problems and create solutions.”
4. ”Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”
5. ”Wisdom is not solely gained through age, but through a willingness to learn from life’s experiences.”
6. ”The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.”
7. ”Creativity is the ability to see things from a different perspective and think outside the box.”
8. ”Failure is not the end, but a stepping stone towards success.”
9. ”Intelligence is not limited to academic performance, but also encompasses emotional intelligence and practical intelligence.”
10. ”True success comes from the combination of intellectual ability, creativity, and the motivation to achieve.”

— Robert Sternberg, ChatOn/Stefan Einhorn, Vägar till visdom