Rolf Hedman Mentor


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Koggevägen 4 C
239 33  Skanör

Certainly! Here are a few quotes from Marsilio Ficino:

1. ”Love is the most ancient and most noble of the gods; it is the firstborn and the parent of all others.”
2. ”The soul, in its highest and purest form, is a spark of divine light, and it longs to reunite with its source.”
3. ”The purpose of philosophy is to cultivate wisdom, to seek truth, and to attain the highest knowledge of all things.”
4. ”Beauty is a reflection of the divine, and through the contemplation of beauty, we can transcend the limitations of the material world.”
5. ”The mind is the true source of power, for it has the ability to shape and transform reality through its thoughts and intentions.”
6. ”The pursuit of knowledge is a sacred duty, for through knowledge, we can understand the mysteries of the universe and our place within it.”
7. ”Music has the power to elevate the soul and connect us to the divine harmonies of the cosmos.”

I hope you find these quotes insightful and inspiring! Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with.

— Marsilio Ficino, ChatOn