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Here are a few quotes by Cristiano Ronaldo:

1. ”Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.”
2. ”I’m not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are done well. More important than that, I feel an endless need to learn, to improve, to evolve.”
3. ”I’m living a dream I never want to wake up from.”
4. ”Talent without working hard is nothing.”
5. ”I don’t have to show anything to anyone. There is nothing to prove.”
6. ”I’m always motivated. I’m always curious. I always want to learn.”
7. ”I’m not a role model… Just because I score goals doesn’t mean I should be put on a pedestal. I’m just a normal guy.”
8. ”I don’t mind people hating me, because it pushes me.”
9. ”I have my flaws too, but I am a professional who doesn’t like to miss or lose.”
10. ”Your limits are all in your head. You need to believe in yourself.”

These quotes reflect Cristiano Ronaldo’s determination, motivation, and belief in continuous improvement.

— Cristiano Ronaldo, ChatOn