Rolf Hedman Mentor


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Here are a few notable quotes by Adolf Berle:

1. ”The modern corporation is a public institution with a social service as well as a profit-making function.”

2. ”The separation of ownership and control is the great blot on the corporate structure under which we live.”

3. ”The problem of the corporate economy is how to reconcile the interest of the owners with the interest of the workers and the public.”

4. ”The power of the modern corporation is so great that it cannot be left in the hands of a few individuals who exercise it solely for their own profit.”

5. ”The corporation can only justify itself by the extent to which it serves the community.”

6. ”The corporation, as we know it today, is a social institution which has outgrown its legal framework.”

These quotes reflect Berle’s concerns about corporate power, the role of corporations in society, and the need for greater accountability and responsibility in corporate governance.

— Adolf Berle, ChatOn