Rolf Hedman Mentor


Telefon: +46 (0)702 46 02 56


Besöksadress Lund Sandgatan 4 A
Besöksadress Stockholm Rådmansgatan 67
Koggevägen 4 C
239 33  Skanör

1. ”Freedom is not a western invention, it is a universal value.”
2. ”Democracy is not a state of perfection, it is a state of constant struggle.”
3. ”The greatest threat to freedom is not from external enemies, but from internal apathy and indifference.”
4. ”True leadership is not about power or authority, but about serving the people and protecting their rights.”
5. ”A society that silences dissent is a society that is afraid of the truth.”
6. ”Corruption is not just a moral issue, it is a threat to the very foundations of a functioning democracy.”
7. ”Human rights are not negotiable, they are the bedrock of a just and equitable society.”
8. ”The strength of a nation lies in the freedom and prosperity of its citizens, not in the power of its government.”
9. ”History has taught us that when governments fear their own people, it is the beginning of tyranny.”
10. ”Hope is the fuel that drives the fight for freedom, and it is our duty to keep that flame alive.”

— Vladimir Kara-Murza, ChatOn